Guess what

We primed our bathroom last night! Pretty exciting stuff if you ask me. Now tomorrow or Thursday we're going to paint. Then this weekend the floor will probably go in. It's awesome to see progress! Mike has been a little worker-bee lately and things are really moving. Btw, we now have one floor to ceiling cabinet that our pots and pans can go in, instead of in a box under the card table in the kitchen. There's doors so everything won't get all dusty every time there's a new project going on! Nice right? To me, it's wonderful.

Oh and how is it, that no matter what I ALWAYS think painting is going to be easier and faster than it actually is. These poor little non-laboring hands got calluses from painting a tiny bathroom. Now just how pathetic is that??


angie said...

AHHH this is so exciting!!! i LOVE the kind of progress that you can see. walls?? floors?? color?? doors??! eeh! it's almost more than a girl can handle. i'm so glad for you guys! can't wait for the "after" pics of all that's beautiful.
as for callouses, i am SO the same way. let gloves be your friend.

Claire Higgins said...

oh nicole, i don't know how you are doing it. i just had an oven put in our kitchen and there was dust everywhere. they had to remove concrete, which is why, but that was just a tiny portion of our house! you have the patience of a saint!