Okay, I'll Admit it

I don't always wash my jeans before wearing them again. There! I said it! Which brings me to one of the few things that really irks me about the winter, and being short, for that matter. My pants always drag or at the very least touch the ground in the back, therefor soaking up all the wetness and SALT right up the back of my leg. Man, do I hate those white salt marks on the back of my pants! And that's all I have to say about that.


Holly. said...

your secret's safe with me!!! i have the same one! :)

Kare said...

well since I only get 2 days off a week i tend to wear the same pants each of those days for at least 2 weeks....which is 4 times...wow, that's a lot! but i think i can get away with it more than you can...the sun and the ocean never get in the way of stains on the bottom :)

angie said...

it is my believe that jeans naturally cure themselves when left in the drawer overnight.

angie said...

UGH *belief.

Jolene said...

i go for days. lots of them. it only makes sense.