Go Pack, Go!

To say that I've been totally immersed in Packers and Superbowl this week would be a completely accurate statement. We now have NFL network and they keep repeating how they are going to have 110 hours of coverage leading up to the big game. I'd say its safe to say I've watched a very large chunk of it already. It keeps sucking me in (even if I don't necessarily want it to). I even watched a documentary on Vince Lombardi last night that left me in tears (give me a little credit, grown men were crying on it too).

In 1997, the last time the Packers won the Superbowl, I did the same thing, only I got to watch it all with my dad. I didn't realize it at the time, but I know now how much that time spent in front of the tv with my pops means to me. It was something special between us; something I can tell he was proud of me for enjoying.

I remember going to the "Superbowl," the local bowling alley/bar that my parents worked at to watch the 1997 championship game. When the Packers won, I remember the excitement and hugs, the yelling, and I even remember some tears. Actually, I remember being slightly embarrassed at how overly excited everyone was, my dad included (hello, teenager). I remember watching everyone singing their hearts out to, "We are the Champions" by Queen.

Looking back at that time, I feel so lucky to have been there and watched that game with my dad. To see his excitement, true exuberant excitement, and joy I'm not sure I saw again. Not saying he wasn't happy or excited ever, just nothing quite as big as that game. So here I am, hoping for a win on Sunday but also knowing that I'll be happy even if they don't win because of all the wonderful memories it brought back of the Packer time I spent with my dad.

Oh, and of course I had to add a touch of "Nicole" to my Packer garb. I whipped up some cutesy headbands out of felt last night. What do you think? Think my dad would be proud?

How could he not have been proud of this face??? :)


angie said...

aww, i'm all teary over here, now! i know i say it a lot, but i love hearing memories of your dad. this one is so extra special, i can't help but hope for a win just because of your story.
and i LOVE the headbands! what a great idea. you crafty thing.

Holly. said...

that's are ADORABLE!!! and i'm with angie. good thing i read this after the video otherwise you would have seen me awreck. love ya!