Want to see what I did yesterday?

It's apple season in these parts (well just about over, really) and this is what we did at work :

That would be ten or eleven 5lb bags of peeled and sliced apples. Yes, that's using just a knife and peeler. Or just a knife for Debbie. That was my last apple slicing day for the season. By the time I get back to work on Friday she'll have finished the rest. While my hands and back would hurt at the end of the day it was kind of nice just to stand there and chat the whole day. I'll kind of miss it.


angie said...

wow, that is seriously impressive! ... and really makes me want to eat an apple. mmmmm.

Holly. said...

i need to get you the peeler/slicer gadget that gary uses!!!

Jolene said...

holy freakin apples! nice work!!

Nicole said...

Holly, we actually sell those at the store :) They just don't work on any of the countertop/surfaces that we have. We've tried. Haha. I remember using it at my grandma's growing up and I always thought it was the coolest thing! I always asked if I could be the one to turn the crank.

Claire Higgins said...

Mmmm i smell the apples now.

At first glance, I thought they were pig rinds...I've been in Mexico too long.