My new addiction:

This is my new little toy and I <3 it.

The white 3Gs iphone. Does anybody else have one? If so, what apps do I HAVE to have??

Oh and you all have a good weekend! I'm off to go on the annual 4-wheeling trip :D


Claire Higgins said...

you've succumbed.

have fun, i hear they are a blast! i saw a commercial yesterday and a dude could start his car with his iphone.

Kare said...

So cool! I want one now! BAD!

Holly. said...

I love mine as you well know. Get the Epicurious App. Any suggestions you have found?

Mommyandchloe! said...

I just got a new Iphone too lol and I am addicted to it myself! I guess im not a major app person since ive only added about 17 new apps but good luck exploring the app store !