That's it!

I'm taking the day off! On account of I haven't had a day off in quite some time, and we just had a record applefest weekend, I'm not going to the office today. Oh, did I mention the real reason is that I have a nasty cold? So today I plan to spend the majority of the day in bed watching TLC and the Food Network. What a day it will be.


angie said...

mmm, TLC and the food network. talk about tv for the soul! i hope you feel better soon.

Holly. said...

i hope you feel some soup! we've been sick here, but i think it is beginning to pass. let's talk soon!!

Claire Higgins said...

Try to enjoy it even though you are sick! Nothing better than snuggling up on the couch and watchin the tube! Love it!

Jolene said...

hope the day off does a world of good and that you're feeling better soon!