I love this town

So as an example of how small of a town I'm in, here's a little story my mom reminded me of this weekend:

One day she had the unfortunate experience of hitting a squirrel. She felt bad about it and mentioned it to my grandma as she was talking to her. My grandma says, "Oh in front of The County Journal?" It sure was.

My dad comes home from work and she again tells him about her vehicular rodent slaughter. Want to guess his response? Yes, he too asked if it was in front of The County Journal.

A person can't even hit a squirrel without everyone knowing about it...at least where it occurred anyways.


angie said...

HAHAHA it's like a storybook! that is hilarious. big news. :)

Kare said...

ahahahaha. this is classic! I think I remember that too...lol.

Holly. said...

hehe!! be careful for those squirrels so you aren't next!