I give you...special kitty.

I can't compete with cute baby videos...but there's what I've got. Murphy has found his new favorite thing, Mike's feet. He has realized he can get attention from them and goes for them whenever he sees them, causing Mike some frustration at times. However, sometimes Mike gives in and gives him some "attention." In the video you see one of his special, "ticks." Murphy air licking while he's being petted. Can you imagine how dangerous this is going to become when it turns to the really dry months of winter? I am envisioning the many shocks Mike will be giving me. Just when I thought I was safe because the carpet was gone...


Aaron said...

Weird and wild. Though, you know, Murphy might be on to something. I could see how that would be really nice. Maybe the next time I see Mike, I'll just get down on the floor next to his feet. "Come on Mike. Let's do this."