Innapropriate, No?

Naturally, Sunday at work I was sporting my Packers best and a customer asked me, "Want to see a hilarious Packers shirt?" "Of course," was my response. That is when this quiet middle-aged woman pulled out this very worn t-shirt out of her reusable shopping bag. She explained to me how she bought it at a thrift store (she never buys new, she says) months ago before the whole Brett weiner texting thing (my words, not hers). Hehe, weiner. Yes, I'm obviously 12 years old. She said she's never worn it and would have to be totally drunk to do so but couldn't pass the awesome buy up. I'm glad she didn't because I wouldn't have this ridiculous picture. Seriously, that is one nasty fox.


angie said...

ha! what a great story to go along with a hilarious shirt. love it!

Aaron said...

So the lady just carries it around?

Holly. said...

I'm with Aaron. That might be the funniest part - she carries it around!! :)