
So today before I left for work I was standing outside putting some washer fluid in my car when I hear a door slam across the street and here yelling. I look up and see the lady across the street (who has a constant garage sale in the yard) cursing every word there is and immediately leans back and does the I'm going to break down the door kick several times all while saying f this, j.c. that and so on.

After that doesn't work, she goes down off the steps and picks up a log that was holding down the tarp for her ever present garage sale items and walks up the steps (all the while swearing) and bashes it into the door window and then swears some more. I see her picking up some glass and throwing it in the yard, swearing and maybe holding her arm cause she cut it, I don' t know. Then she went in the house. All of this happened in probably the span of a minute and a half. She did not even consider another option of getting in. It was kick down the door, or break out the window within 30 seconds of closing and locking the door behind herself.

Oh yeah, this is another neighbor across the street, not the cowboy. It's very possible he moved. I haven't seen him out lassoing something in quite sometime. Can't wait to see who my other new neighbors are.


angie said...

yikes!!!! who are these people?!?