It's the magic bullet! Thank you mike!

It's official, I love the thing. Most people who know me, know I'm not the neatest person around and don't really like to do dishes (I know, who does). Well that often stopped me from using the blender to make smoothies. Way too messy for me.

After countless viewings of the infomercial ("Broccoli...yuck!", anyone?) and years of wanting it its finally mine. I went and bought a bunch of frozen fruit and oj and carrots and it began. So deelish. They're really filling too. All I have to do is rinse off the blade, drink out of the cup i mixed it in and wash that. Amazing. I think this is the one time i've gotten something off of an infomercial and had it live up to what I was expecting (wait, strike that, I did buy my bare escentuals from an infomercial....claire, you know what I'm talking about).

And now my very own testimony is over. Do with it what you will.


angie said...

broccoli quote: YES!!! hahahah seriously, that is dave's and my fave infomercial. even if there's a show on, we'll watch that instead. i'm so excited for you! i can't wait to one day reap the sweet benefits of your fruit smoothiness. :)

Kare said...

I had no idea you were in love with the the magic of the sounds like you need to turn off the infomercials at 3 am and GO TO BED!!!

Holly. said...

glad to hear you are able to enjoy your smoothies without much mess. i do admit, the thought of washing the blender often turns me away from smoothies in the morning. way to go mike!