A "favorite" of mine

It was a good night for me. Want to know why? After a few month hiatus I found my knork!!! Yes, the fork and knife combined.

If you've never heard of them, you have now, I guess. I love the thing. I originally bought it b/c a relative of mine once said he had a brilliant idea to get rich. A fork and a knife combined. We all laughed at him thinking just what a disaster putting the edge of a knife inside your mouth would be and would retell the story and laugh some more.

Anyways, I was in a store one day and found it. The knork. I bought it as a joke and was going to give it away...didn't happen. I used it and loved it. The man at the store told me that I would be back for more, and that it happened to every person that bought it as a joke. He said he had many women buying them for their friends who were also mothers....cutting things with one hand and have a baby in the other. I haven't gotten any more b/c at the time you could only buy them in stores, and well the store isn't by me. I looked online tonight and to my surprise, they now sell entire flatware sets and you can buy them at target.com. (read the reviews...totally agree!) If we didn't already have a new set down in the basement I would absolutely be using my gift cards to buy these. I will, however, be buying the set of four knorks....and don't be surpised if any of you get them for gifts sometime :) They are very nicely made and do not in any way look like a novelty item. Oh and for the record, they do not slice your mouth. They come to a point on the edges that make cutting into things like pizza and waffles a breeze.

Alright, this has been one of my "favorites." Maybe I should hit the road as a knork saleswoman.


angie said...

but hold on, you never talk about the actual danger of putting a knife in your mouth. just how does that work??? please tell!

Nicole said...

Ahh yes, well there aren't actually blades on the edges. They just come to a point that make it easy to cut through things. No need to worry about danger.

angie said...

ahhh okay thank you. well taht does sound handy for the multi-tasking eater!
and they're pretty cute, too.

Claire Higgins said...

So does your uncle get any royalties? Or is this the same scenario that Cramer had with his idea for the cologne "Beach"?