Sleep Talkers

I was just relaying a story about something Mike said in his sleep and decided to make a list of a few of the gems I've heard.

Sister: "I know where the elves are" Me (awake): "What elves?" Sister: "The ones that make the cookies"

Friend Adam: "Cheap, cheap, cheap......Beautiful!" (Later found out he had been dreaming about baseball)

Mike: "Oh goooood for you!" from the infamous Christian Bale tirade.

I wish I could remember some more but this is it for now. Please share some you've heard.


Claire Higgins said...

Oh man, I have been called out on some duzies...when in second grade I once said, "No Deno, not that truck!"...and was teased for the longest time that I had a crush on this boy in my class named Deno.

angie said...

hahaha aw man, these are some of my favorite stories. so glad you blogged them!
and HAHA claire!! hilarious way of outing your heart's true feelings. :)