I go through this every couple of months

After a lengthy talk with Holly last night, I just want to exclaim again, I miss my friends! It's been so long since I've talked to so many of them, or should I say, spent time with them. What's awful is now when everyone is gearing up for summer and possibly vacations, I'm gearing up for working seven days a week. I really need the money, so its ok but its hard to psyche yourself up when you know you are going to have to say no over and over to getting together with people because of your work schedule. In short, I miss you all! And here's my two favorite "I miss you" google images to prove it.


angie said...

BAH HA love those. love those so much. and also, i miss you too. :( wah.

Holly. said...

when do you start working round the clock? maybe we can squeeze something in between now and then.

Kare said...

nobody misses you more than I do!
love you girl!

Claire Higgins said...

Oh I miss you too little nic! I don't know what is worse, being far away and unable to see your friends, or being close and still unable to see your friends! Either way, friends will always be friends.