Want to see the kitchen?

Well here it is. And there's my soup pot. The sawhorse and drywall in all its glory :) Oh and don't forget the table saw table and the plastic drop cloths.
This is the wall that disappeared. This was like the third step in demo. While he was tearing down the wall, underneath he found what was probably the old siding to the house. There was a little addition on here and they apparently just sheetrocked right over the siding.
There's the last little piece. That's gone now though. This is where the little breakfast bar thing is going to be. So basically there will be a little wall like that with a counter on top. Next step, replacing the window?
While it is a mess, it already feels a bit easier to deal with than the old kitchen. With that wall gone it really opens the place up. Unfortunately right now it opens up to the mess that is the house, but in time it'll open up to a beautiful brand new kitchen. Mike worked his little heart out.


angie said...

oh my gosh, look at that progress! i am SO impressed. demo is a big, messy, disgusting job. way to go, mike! i am so excited for you guys to be moving forward. and i really like your makeshift counters. :)

Holly. said...

can't wait for you to have your new kitchen!