Yes, it's been forever, but look at this...

That my friends, is the face of a hardworking boyfriend, giving off a superhero vibe with his drywall dust mask. Well, the "worst" part is done. The mud has gone up and come back down with the, i didn't help, but yes, it was hard. Hard to live with everything covered in plastic and/or dust, and yes i did/do have a cold so it wasn't super easy to breath. As I type Mike's doing some major vacuuming. Tomorrow my mum is going to come over and help me do some more cleaning (so needed! and thanks mom!).

Next up is priming, painting, and then hanging the upper cabinets! Oh. My. Excitement.

If you excuse the mess, here's the dining room and further out, the soon to be kitchen. I wish I had little arrow's I could use to point out what things are and what's going where. The framed area in the middle of the picture will be a breakfast bar that's covered in pine instead of drywall. The pine will be from the left floor and wrap around onto the "ceiling" where the recessed lighting is. One side of the bar is going to have shelves for my cookbooks (yee!). Oh and that one set of stacked cupboards (set of 3) are what our cabinets are. That's currently holding all of our dishes and whatnot while the temporary cabinet next to it holds all of our food in a very disorganized matter. I CANNOT WAIT to have a place for everything. It's going to be AMAZING!

So in closing, I have an amazing, hardworking (did I mention he has two jobs on top of this and has learned how to do everything as he goes, wiring and plumbing included), talented boyfriend who is making me very happy right now. Oh and if anyone wants to come over and help, we're down with that! :)


angie said...

first, i love that picture of mike. hehehe
second, IT'S HAPPENING!!!! things are raelly coming together, and we can see now just how beautiful it's really going to be! i am SO excited for you guys. mike is an amazing guy for doing all this super-hard work. please give him a high-five for me.

Kare said...

How awesome is this? Seriously, you couldn't ask for more right now...things are picking up. Yay for Mike! He's doing such an excellent excellent excellent job! I wish I could come and help and help you organize and decorate and paint and even clean! :) HOpe you had a good day with mom.

Holly. said...

Can I come and cook with you when it's done??? And I TOTALLY feel your pain of cleaning up the drywall mess. Ugh. BUT it will be so worth it in the end! Love ya!