Where the wild things are...Mike and Nicole's house.

This is out our kitchen window. Its quite a regular morning occurrence now as the birds are feasting on our sunflowers. We stared each other in the eyes and just this one time I was victorious as he and all his birdie friends flew away immediately after I took this picture. Normally, I'm the one creeped out by blackbirds. Yes, I find this picture creepy.

This right here is a cat who forgot to put his tongue back in his mouth. I implore you to click on it and make it bigger.

Finally, this is just one of the MANY monarch caterpillars that our garden was a host and home to.


way of the world said...

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angie said...

so cool, nic! i'm very proud of you for taking a pic of the crow (ewwww), and the pic of your kitty is SO worth clicking on! haha i also love the monarch caterpillar. did you put one in a jar?? ... remember when i found a cocoon in college and put it in a jar in our room and then it hatched into a giant moth? why did you agree to live with me for four years???? god bless you.