Step Brothers.

So yesterday Mike's sister, Jen said her and my cousin were going to the movies. I asked which one, and she said "Step Brothers" My response was, "THAT'S THERE?!?!" Really, I yelled. I had totally forgotten that that movie existed. That kind of response made her ask me if I wanted to go with, which I responded to with, "yup."

As we walked out of the theater I left saying, "I actually just saw a movie I liked." We've seen some movies that I didn't like so much lately (Tropic Thunder, You don't mess with the zohan) so it was a relief to actually enjoy something I paid money to see. It's just a totally silly movie that makes you laugh. Smile.

In other news, I just got a text from Mike that apparently the cabinets and counter tops just arrived! Now things are really going to get underway. Hip hip hooray. I can't wait to see them. Seeing as I had to work when Mike picked them out, I'm pretty excited. Pretty soon all my spare time will go to staining those suckers. I think it will be time well spent.


angie said...

ahhh! so exciting! both of those things! PLEASE post pictures.

Jolene said...

so glad to hear that movie rocks. hubby wants to see it and i have to say it looks pretty lighthearted fun. who couldn't use a little lighthearted laughter :)

yay for cabinets and countertops. hope it starts feeling more like home-sweet-home again very soon!

Claire Higgins said...

Thanks for the movie critique! I was planning on seeing it, but some of his last movies weren't the best, so I am glad that I won't be disappointed.