Suzy Homemaker, I yam i yam.

Look what I did:

I made the simplest curtains anyone has ever made! Awesome. We no longer have a t-shirt on the door thanks to the new magnetic curtain rod and my fancy shmancy curtains. You have no idea how much this excites me.


angie said...

magnetic curtain rod??? brilliant. and i love the curtains!! i see what you mean about the odd-size window. you did great!

Kare said...

well look at you. genious I tell you! genious! I'm very proud. I need a bedskirt for me bed, can you make that too?? Dark chocolate in a queen size please. Oh, tailored, no ruffles. Thanks.

Claire Higgins said...

Way to go Nic! I wish I knew how to's on my list of things to learn. Looks great!

Jolene said...

Nic! You are my hero-of-the-day!! Seriously - curtains on your own??? I'm impressed. Jobs like that intimidate the heck out of me.