It was the summer of 2001

Well it was and it is again (in my car). After a multiple year hiatus reel big fish has entered my cd player to critical acclaim (from myself). I really needed some upbeat music as of lately and even if the lyrics aren't the cheeriest, the music sure is.

It reminds me of what I like to call the "funnest summer ever". The days and nights were spent outside not doing much and sometimes inside not doing much. It's when I really got to know that little Aaron character and when thoughts of, "hey lets drive to boston for a couple days" we're entertained seriously and later shot down by parents. It's when I allowed myself to get sooo incredibly sunburnt just to see some fun bands and even meet those RBF characters. Let me relive that for a little while.


angie said...

good lord. i love them SO. MUCH. thank you for that. and yay for reliving good times and great oldies. :)

Claire Higgins said...

Throughout high school, they were one of the fav's of mine too. Seriously. Love them. In fact, I still have a CD and will throw it in tomorrow as I drive to work. And I will think of you...:)