Toivo it is.

We've decided on a name...Toivo. We're taking a hint from our Finnish ancestors and giving him a proper Gnomey name. Thanks for the suggestions.

On another note, today is my day off and I don't know what to do with myself. It's crazy windy out right now and starting to sprinkle so that kinda cuts out doing any gardening like I had wanted to do or doing anything else outside really. Mike tells me it's okay to relax and do absolutely nothing because well, it's my day off. Why do i have to have a guilty conscience? I really do want to do nothing but then I spend the time thinking I should be doing something. What a tortured soul I have. I'm a tish bit dramatic too.

And just because here are some sillyish pictures from the last awesome brett favre game that I'm feeling a little bit sentimental about.


angie said...

i SO know the guilty conscience. it is the worst. but i love those pics! at least you blogged today. that's something to consider. i would have been really upset if it was your day off and you didn't take time to blog. so thank you.
p.s. i love tiovo. his twin, sven, misses him. please say hello for him.

angie said...

oops. toivo.

Nicole said...

hehe. I will tell toivo sven sends his love and I'm sure he will return the sentiment.

Jolene said...

please do nothing today - and then report back to me tomorrow on how wonderful it was! i want to be pea-green with envy :) (name the book/movie for extra points!) read a book or something. it would be so grand to snuggle down with a good book on a rainy day off... oh i'm making myself jealous!

angie said...

anne of green gables???