Treadmill time

Just wanted to introduce you to our treadmill setup. We moved our beast of a treadmill into the unfinished basement, which in and of itself was a huge process. Anyways, Mike then strapped a cord from the ceiling and voila, there hangs the iPad. I'm so one of those people that needs entertainment to keep me moving on that thing so it works out perfectly. Might not be pretty, but it works! Soon, the view behind the iPad will be shelving with all our totes (totes, that we will go through before putting them on the shelves). We're getting our lives together!!

Oh, and how did I become a person that is excited about watching glee on the treadmill? Yeah, I said it, I watch glee! I feel so much better about getting that off my chest. I only put the picture of ricky gervais up so people would think I was cool...did it work?


angie said...

dude, i KNOW you're cool. :) happy treadmilling!

Aaron said...

Ricky Gervais is a little too high school for me.

Holly. said...

I'm pretty sure that would be the only way I could treadmill. But without Glee.

Nicole said...

Way to go for the jugular, aaron.

Iankinha said...

Leiam as novidades do meu blog Beijooos