Dad's Bday

So today is my pops' birthday. It goes without saying that I think about and miss him every day but today's a special one. Remembering how he would shake and feel all his birthday presents and about 75% of the time guess what was inside correctly, leaving us yelling at him, makes me both happy and sad. He always had the biggest grin when he was right. I don't know how he did it. So, today I'm going to remember silly things that my dad did and be happy about all the wonderful memories I have.

I'm wearing the ring I just bought off of Etsy. It's made out of an old daffodil spoon. Daffodils remind me of my pops. They are the flower that the american cancer society sells as a fundraiser. So if you see any being sold, swipe them up, they brighten up a room, just the same way my pops did.


angie said...

nic, this is awesome. and happy birthda, mr. then! i remember one time on my walk home from class, i accidentally called your home phone (instead of EC) and he answered. we talked for about three minutes about nothing at all, and i walked home with a smile on my face for the rest of the way. i didn't get to see him in person very often, but from the funny, warm, and love-filled stories you always told me about him, i couldn't help but love him too.
here's to wonderful memories of an incredible guy!

Walking in the NorthWoods said...

Mike keeps a picture of Uncle Jerry on his desk of when they went hunting together and Uncle Jerry got a buck thinking it was a doe. Mike tells everyone that story. I will have to scan it and send it to you if you want it.
My Dad has that uncany ability to know what gifts are too...drives us all bananas must be a Then thing(along with that grin).

Kare said...

We all have our own memeories of Chinger and i remember his brithday each year, partly because it is my brothers too, which I'm glad it is because I want to remember him on this special day. I loved your dad like he was my own and think about him just about everyday, the same with Annette and Dwayne. So my most remembered memory of your dad was of course the way he always made me which I am very grateful for, and I know if he were still here today he'd still be talking about it. You know I could not leave your house without eating even if I really wasn't hungry at all. I've probably eaten more at your house than my own. Your family is my family and I love you all!

Claire Higgins said...

Happy Birthday to your pops! What sweet memories you have! And, what a beautiful ring you have found to help you remember the good times with him. :)

Jolene said...

what a touching post! and the ring - so beautiful and i love the meaning it holds for you. i hope the happy memories rain down and flood your thoughts.