New stuff I get to use someday

So we have all this stuff packed up in the basement completely new:

A beautiful gas range (in love with but have only used gas a few times)
A dishwasher (this is one of the things I'm most excited about)
A microhood (pretty neat looking)
A double sink! (OMG, you have no idea)
Pretty pretty dish sets (one with flowers that I'm in love with and slowly purchased two of each piece b/c I didn't think I could live without them even though we just bought a new dinnerware set)
New silverware (so simple and pretty)
A panini grill (got two christmases ago!)
Glasses (I've had for like three years and haven't had a place for)
A bamboo cutting board (its the simple things)
Countertops (what, countertops in a kitchen, this house has never seen those)
Bathroom curtain and rug
New floors for kitchen and bathroom (good luck running on these, cats)
and much much more.

Every once and awhile I like to remind myself of the fun things we've got coming. Its easier to live in a mess when you think of the beautiful things you get to use when you're done.

Drywall is going up in the bathroom this weekend! So excited. Next we get to tape and mud and paint. Yay.


angie said...

ahhh! that list is awesome. you guys really have all the pieces! it's just a matter of them coming together. i can see it already! can't wait for your house to be new again. you are just going to love it. :)

Kare said...

awww...I know how you feel. I can't wait to have my (our) own house that I can paint and decorate and rearrange the way I want whenever I want. I still have some things packed away and still at my moms waiting to be used too. It's sad but puts a smile on your face when you think about it again. :) And you haven't used your panini pan yet!

Jolene said...

you're going to love the gas range! everything heats and cools so much quicker. and it's kind of fun to cook over a real fire ;)