A girls weekend!

I had something this weekend that I rarely have: A girl's weekend.

Rachel was in town all by herself and we hung out just the two of us, here's what we did:

Watched tv: Yes, we watched some of that show, 'the secret life of the american teenager' which is good only for yelling at the tv and laughing.

Had cocktails: Rachel managed to make the lemoncello that I got taste good in a drink, and giant margaritas and daiquiris at the awesome mexican restaurant. Yumm....mexican food.

Sleepover! We got loads of snow so rachel spent the night, and we watched snl and laughed some more.

Made granola: So nummy, or num yummy.

Ate a wonderful pizza that I may have started an addiction to for both me and Rachel. My favorite has cream cheese and jalapenos in the crust.

Exchanged presents: Rachel and Scotty were very generous and was given some awesome ornaments and something for my wii and a garden gnome who shall be called Samppa (he's finnish too so I think him and Toivo are going to get along just fine) and a very cute mug.

It was so great to spend time with a girlfriend, while we love our significant other's sometimes you just need that time with your girls. It left me feeling refreshed. Thanks Rachey!

When I get home I'll post a few pictures of my super cute ornaments.


Holly. said...

Sounds like you had a lovely time. Can I be next?

Walking in the NorthWoods said...

That sounds like a perfect weekend!
Yea I noticed we have the same backgrounds, guess that just proves we have excellent taste!

angie said...

um YAY!!!! i am so happy for you! that just sounds entirely perfect. i can only imagine all the fun you had. :)