I need to get rid of the crabbies!

So right after I wrote the title, I got a little less crabby realizing how the title could come off and decided it needed to stay that way.

I'm in a crabbiness funk right now. Last night I got so overwhelmed with the messiness of the house I nearly had a panic attack, silly I know. I just had to not look at anything because it stressed me out even more. Reading didn't help so I decided to make a list (ang, you know how much this helps). I proceeded to fill up 4 sticky notes full of things I need to do (this is just cleaning, not remodeling projects), preferably today. So, in hopes that this will pressure and motivate me to do something, I'm posting this: I'm going to cross off at least ten things today! Ask me about it tomorrow.


angie said...

oooh go you! crossing stuff off of lists is even more theraputic than listing them in the first place. :) you can do it, roommate! YES. YOU. CAN.

Jolene said...

((hugs)) an overwhelming mess is suffocating. looking forward to tomorrow's update on how it goes.

Jolene said...

also meant to tell you that i love the new look! maybe it's not new? i haven't been here in a little while. anyway - fresh and awesome!

Claire Higgins said...

i am feeling the SAME WAY right now....ughhhh!