Boo to blizzard

Now I'm not usually one to complain about the snow, b/c I actually kinda like it, but this is getting ridiculous. The 11th of April and we get a freaking blizzard. I'd venture out and snap a picture but those winds are crazy. Needless to say all the schools are closed as well as businesses (aka my job). I'm poor enough as it is and then they have to actually go ahead and cancel work. It's not looking good for tomorrow either. Thanks to my meteorologist boss who wouldn't let me come to work a day early because "its not going to snow" and made me lose a day of work. Also, the snow made me miss seeing my Aaron, which is reason enough to make me sad and angry. I found a picture someone took in Duluth...this is pretty much what it looks like here too, except imagine everything blowing.

Alright, my angry rant is over. Anybody else having a bad weather day? I know some of you are too.

However, I would like to thank the blizzard for holding off a little and allowing us to watch The Office (large school canceling ticker aside) and only now push the network off the air due to lack of power.


angie said...

holy cats! it really hit you guys! it is just raining here--not snowing yet like they expected. my thoughts are with you. i think you should call beta and say "so, you want me to come in?" what an idiot-head.

Jolene said...


I'm so sorry! This April snow stuff is for the birds! Except, that it's not. :(

Kare said...

hehe. It's 80 and supper sunny here. Love you! :) Stay warm.