
West Siiiiide! I said say cheese, and he made this pose.

So my "abundant melon" (thanks ang!) fits in my new helmet!
Mike tried to assure me that "chipmunk cheeks" are normal in helmets.


After! Yeah, this is what I did last night. Don't they look cute?

So this is the aforementioned picture of Connor and "his best friend for life"

Connor and his other best friend for life.

Connor in my AWESOME Packer boxers :D

He's a pretty talented guy. He's been doing this since he was a baby (push play) :


Jay Dee said...

Loved it

Kare said...

now how cute are those!? my he's growing up so fast. looove your new helmet, but what the heck is the toy you need it for?? I need to get on taking some pics and get them on here! I'm going to sell my camera and buy me a new one, pronto!

angie said...

HAHAHAH oh my gosh! these are all fantastic. i can't believe how BIG he's getting! he's a little man!!!!

Kare said...

aww...that's nice of you guys, but you really don't have to get them anything. But if you must, they'd be happy with whatever your little sweet hearts desire. :) I'm a big help huh??

Kare said...

we're just very very happy that you all came :)

Jolene said...

YOU GOT YOUR HELMET!!! YAY! did it come in time for the weekend event you needed it for?

cute pics!!!! aren't those little boys just so fun.