This is a job description in the paper.

PT/FT ofc help. High people contact; 4-5 mo. assignmt, perm position possible. People skills, data entry & comp. exp. Wages depend on skill.

Could someone tell me what high people contact means? Am I missing something?

I'm in desperate need of a new job. :)

What's even more stupid is there's one that doesn't say where the job is. This is a local newspaper but it covers a pretty large area. You have to send your app to the newspaper. I just called the paper and they won't tell me either. This one needs two personal letters of recommendation as well as two professional letters and yet they will not tell you where the job is located. Why would I want to go through all that and find out that the job is at least 50 miles away. Isn't that silly? Or am I just being lazy?


angie said...

that IS silly! what the crap?! i wouldn't apply for anything without knowing the location. how dumb.
as for "high people contact" HAHAHA! i think you should call and ask. apparently they also need a writer so that they can convey what they actually mean in their job postings. :)
good luck on the job search!

Claire Higgins said...

Maybe you have to touch people on marijuana???

Nicole said...

Hehe. Claire, that's immediately what I thought too! That place doesn't have a name or number either! Just a P.O. Box. I don't understand why its such a secret. Makes no sense to me.

Jolene said...

I think I'd apply just for the bonus of solving the mystery for the rest of us ;)